• 1992Establishment of PZP Komplet s.r.o.

    A few years after the Velvet Revolution, PZP Komplet s.r.o. was founded by the then partners, which was engaged in the production of electric boilers and electrical production. This gave the basis for our later focus on heating and therefore heat pumps.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 1994The first heat pump

    We produced our first heat pump in 1994. It was a ground-to-water heat pump with a reciprocating compressor and R22 refrigerant.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 1995Extending the range of heat pumps

    A year after the first PZP heat pump saw the light of day, we have created the first comprehensive range of heat pumps, including an air-to-water system with scroll compressors and eco-friendly refrigerant types.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 1999Establishment of PZP KOMPLET a.s.

    Energy prices are rising and so is the interest in energy saving devices. The focus is on the development and production of heat pumps. For strategic reasons, all our divisions PZP Komplet, Kvasiny and Elektronika are being transformed into a single joint stock company PZP KOMPLET.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2002Production area in Dobré

    The year 2002 was a major milestone for the heat pump industry. Sales were growing steadily and our production facilities were no longer sufficient. We bought the premises in Dobre, which originally served as a repair plant for agricultural equipment.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2003Reconstruction and modernisation of production

    In parallel with the production, the reconstruction and modernisation of all the premises was carried out. Practically the whole area was rebuilt. In 2003 the construction was completed. Our premises are of course heated by SPLIT air-water heat pumps.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2006New PZP logistics centre

    The growing production volume resulted in an investment in a new logistics centre in Dobré. The inauguration ceremony took place in 2006.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2011Establishment of PZP HEATING a.s.

    In 2011, a strategic move was made. The design and production of heat pumps was spun off into a new joint stock company PZP HEATING - a specialist in heat pumps.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2014PZP becomes part of the Swiss group Arbonia

    PZP strengthens its brand and becomes a subsidiary of Kermi GmbH, a major manufacturer of heating and sanitary technology belonging to the Arbonia Group. With a strong background, we are able to keep up with the times and deliver high quality products with a superior warranty and service guarantee.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2018Design Award: triumph for PZP heat pumps

    Our three inverter heat pumps have been awarded the iF DESIGN AWARD and are now among the winners of the world-renowned design award. The products of the AMBIENT, DYNAMIC and TERRA NEO series were awarded.


    Z historie - Založení společnosti PZP Komplet s.r.o.

  • 2022New production hall in Opočno

    Our new production hall in Opočno was literally built on a green field within a year. Thanks to this hall, we were able to increase our production capacity and we also created new job opportunities in the region.